Power Tool Drag Racing
Have some fun with your old tools and Power Tool Drag Racing:
Machines in all classes are based on hand-held power tools (see caveat for "unusual designs" class). A hand held power tool is a machine intended for handheld operation by one individual. A machine primarily used on a stationary mount, or rolled on wheels, or used by a group of people is not a hand tool for the purposes of this event. Hand tools might be electric (AC or DC), gas, pneumatic, hydraulic, cold fusion, steam or otherwise. Examples of hand tools are machines like belt sanders, angle grinders, Skilsaws, drills, chainsaws, weed wackers, vibrators, etc.
Examples of things that are NOT hand tools are things like lawnmowers, floor sanders, generators, bench grinders, etc. Hand tools used in the drag races can run on a variety of power sources, provided by either on-board or external sources. For external power sources, we will provide 40 amps of 120AC per lane. For DC, pneumatic, gas and other sources, you are on your own.
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