Friday, May 19, 2006


Papipo phone for kids

Akihabara News covers Papipo:

Bandai and Willcom present this Papipo, a PHS phone that uses the WSIM from Willcom. It has a 128x128 screen, a 0.3MP camera, it measures 52x29.9x101mm and weighs 100g. It will come with an anti-spam filter and a system that blocks certain people from communicating with your child.

1 comment:

  1. Cell phones do not hurt children as long as the gadget is right for them. My son has a Just5 phone for a couple of months now and he is having a great time with this phone. It is a very basic cell phone but it offers him just what a kid of his age will need. Plus, the phone has personal emergency response features that can be used anytime and anywhere. Find this phone at
